We have come a long way since 1975 when Gifts actually came into existence. Gifts is a people thing.  We can not have success with out  helping people. We want to introduce you to The Angels and Archangels of Father Mother God and Jesus,  The Great Spirit, the Great I AM.  The angels will work hand and hand to help with any and all  needs according to ones Divine Will in life.  They can not help unless one invites them into one's life to help. They have to be invited.....unless its an emergency of life or death. 

We are incredibly grateful for the Healings which come from working with Angels, Light Beings and The Company of Heaven.

I must share my healing now.  In 2008 I contracted pneumonia. It took the lower part of my right lung. I was unable to get enough oxygen in my blood, so I was sent home from the hospital with oxygen tanks and a prescription to be on O2 until my stats came up.  They never came up. I had to stay on O2(oxygen) for months, then my insurance ran out so I couldn't afford the O2.  I went several years without it until one day I contracted pneumonia again.  But now I am using Medicare.  I have O2, but I was still Chronic Pneumonia and Hospice was called into to help me leave my body.  That was so sad. I was sad and my family was so sad.  

I have been  meditating, praying a woman of great faith since I was a teen, praying to Mother Father God for a miracle was in my heart.  I didn't want to leave my children, my husband or my grand children or great grand daughter!  Then something wonderful happened!

On Palm Sunday night I was awakened by a heavy shaking in my body, my great granddaughter was sleeping with me, the vibrations awakened her too!  What was this she asked, I said "I don't know, but we are in it together".  All I could see was a beautiful violet light passing through my body inside my body and I felt as though I was traveling through the night sky at a rapid speed.  The wisdom being imparted to me at that time was "You are being healed, You have a responsibility to take better care of your earthly body. Your consciousness is totally changing and you will experience your true being." There were other ideas that I will not share at this time.  I got up the next morning knowing I had a HEALING in the night! PRAISE GOD, THANK YOU JESUS! I have been so healthy since. 


Enlightenment happened that very night! I became enlightened to the great and wonderful power of Mother Father  God and all their Angels and Archangels!  I understood that I was multi dimensional and I saw that I live forever, WE ALL DO. What I do for myself I do for all humanity because I AM One with the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on earth,.  I saw how we are all ascending in understanding.  We are all evolving into a more loving caring people and one day not so far away we will all live in peace and harmony together on earth.   We will be able to share all our healing resources with you.


We see that so many are hurting financially so we wanted to develop a charity that we could help those in need.  We didn't want to just "give a man a fish", we wanted to also teach how to fish and how to invest and how to keep the fish, so to speak. The fish being money of course. So many people see it as the "root of all evil" , but it's not evil to be compensated for your time and efforts.  Its not evil to pay your expenses and bills. In this day and age, money is something we all have and want more of in different degrees.   We will be more than happy to help you set up your budget and guide you to ways to have your money work for you too.  Prosperity for me is prosperity for you .  As we raise our vibrations we will be able to attract more prosperity.





Everyone pretty much needs a Blessing and Gifts of The Spirit can offer Blessings and guidance, especially for those dear hearts seeking help.  We at Gifts will help  with an Angel Reading to divine what is the core root of the problem and the path that should be taken. Healing comes as this  will implement the advice of the angels. As this one begins the course of action, enlightenment occurs and as this new understanding is transformative Gifts will help in the form of funds and with the funds there will be financial counseling. This way we are not just giving a hand out but also an understanding that perhaps some changes need to be made to support the GIFTS one receives.